GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation

GROHE Rapido T Thermostatic mixer for concealed installation

Product Number

GROHE Rapido T – universal concealed thermostat for total temperature control

The GROHE Rapido T universal concealed thermostat mixer guarantees perfect water temperature control. Designed for concealed installation, the thermostat is suited to all applications: available with an integrated shower stop-valve, integrated GROHE AquaDimmer bath or head/hand shower diverter, or as a central thermostatic mixer for separate stop-valves (stop-valve/diverter is included in the respective final assembly set). Inside it contains GROHE TurboStat technology which ensures that water pressure or temperature fluctuations are balanced instantly for a reliable supply and no unexpected changes in temperature. Plus integrated GROHE EcoJoy system reduces water and energy consumption without compromising on great GROHE performance.

  • for use with Grohtherm Special and Grohtherm F
  • without finishing trim set
  • flat installation depth 70 - 95 mm
  • easy to install, premounted and tested unit
  • GROHE TurboStat compact cartridge with wax thermoelement
  • two top outlets 1/2", lockable
  • high flow rate up to 50 l/min. by use of three outlets
  • bottom outlet 1/2" can be used only with separate stop valve
  • safe to install, stable built-in-box and protective cap
  • fixation options for solid walls and dry cladding
  • material for wall sealing included
  • Aquadimmer-diverter for bath mixer or stop valve for shower mixer in finishing trim set
  • body of DR brass
  • built-in non return valves and dirt strainers
  • GROHE Water Saving - Less water, perfect flow
  • min. recommended pressure 1.0 bar
Pos.-nr. Prod. description Order-nr.
* Optional accessories
1 Thermostatic compact cartridge 3/4" 47483000
2 Fitting ring 47765000
3 Non-return valve 47753000
4 Repl. kit f. seal 48263000
5 Socket spanner 19332000*
6 Safety combination (DIN EN 1717) 29007000*
7 Thermostatic compact cartridge 3/4" 47186000*

Products and accessories for the installation